Fourth anniversary of the assassination of Avijit Roy
Avijit Roy (1971-2015) was a voice of reason in an age when people boast of their ignorance and lies are claimed as alternatives to universal truths. A software engineer by profession and a writer by avocation, Avijit Roy was a leading Bangladeshi-American human rights activist, author and a pioneer in Bengali free-thought movement.
Avijit Roy would have been 46 today
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Avijit Roy and My Sense of Responsibility
Jibon Ahmed
(Jibon Ahmed, a photo-journalist helped Avijit Roy and Bonya Ahmed to get to a hospital after the attack. Translated from original Bengali published in Purboposchimঅভিজিৎ-রায়-ও-আমার-দায়িত্ববোধ)
Three years went by with little notice. During these years, I have spent many sleepless terror-filled nights. This fear will chase me around as long as I live. I do not wish this day to occur in anybody's life. Everyday, fear chases me, I do not know what this fear is. I never had fear of death – ever.
FFRF announces memorial award on third anniversary of Avijit Roy's assassination
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is proud to announce, on the third anniversary of the assassination of Avijit Roy, the creation of an annual award in his name. Roy, the Bangladesh-American writer and atheist, died at the hands of militant Islamists on the streets of Dhaka.
Avijit Roy - The Gadfly voice of reason
Avijit Roy(1972-2015) was a voice of reason in an age when people boast of their ignorance and lies are claimed as alternatives to universal truths. A software engineer by profession and a writer by passion Avijit Roy was a leading Bangladeshi-American human rights activist, author and a pioneer in Bengali free-thought movement.
Keynote at 2017 Secular Conference 2017 - Freedom of Expression and Conscience
The notion of freedom changes with time and space. At this moment, our species is standing at a crossroad of history, where individual liberty, freedom of expression, conscience, and belief have become a very important part of our existence. We are demanding equal rights regardless of sex, gender, class, race - you name it. We, the secular community, are demanding freedom for all, which is the greatest demand of our time.