A Complete Guide to Allah (Bismi Allah)
This small e-book painstakingly analyses Allah, the Islamic God. Allah is at the core of religion of Islam. Every act, every ritual, every Jihad, every Islamic incursion, every Islamic bloodshed, every Islamic law is designed for only one purpose—to please Allah. Who is this Allah? Where did He come from? Where does He live now? What are His daily activities? What is His temperament? What are His likes and dislikes? Does Allah have an Executive Office?—how does that office look like? Does Allah have a Throne? Does Allah have a physical body or is Allah just amorphous—without any corporeal existence –but only an invisible, incomprehensible, a never–to–be–understood entity? These are extremely blasphemous questions. None the less, these questions haunt every Muslim's mind from the moment he hears Allah's name to the moment of his last breath. But he never gets any satisfactory answers to these perennial questions. For eternity, Allah would like to remain an enigma to the Muslims. Islamists always advance this mysterious, elusive nature of Allah as the epitome of Islam—Allah has to remain obscure, recondite and ephemeral—this is what makes Islam great—the hide–and–seek game of Allah with His devotees. This essay is an attempt to remove this antediluvian, outdated and irrational method to understanding Allah. The most surprising result of this enquiry about Allah is that: Allah is not at all a mystery. He is just like any one of us—a living and breathing human being, so to speak! Allah is not esoteric; neither is He hiding from us. He lived, yes, with Muhammad, but did not die with Muhammad. Based on irrefutable evidences, this essay will tell the story of Allah and how Muhammad advanced Allah as a deity to be worshipped—just because he wanted to be worshipped—in the name of Allah, in the manner the Pagans worshipped Allah.
British Colonialism - Myths and Realities
News was broadcast on BBC that Italy Government would give Libya, terribly damaged by Italian colonialism, compensation-money of 5 billion dollars. Italy would annually invest an amount of 200 million US dollars for coming 25 years for infrastructural development of Libya that lost a lot during colonial rule. On August 30, 2008, Saturday, the Italian Premier, Silvio Barlusconi signed in Bengazi a pact of friendship and cooperation with the Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi. Seeking apology on behalf of his countrymen, the Italian Premier said, "It is my duty as ahead of government to express to you in the name of the Italian people our regret and apology for the deep wounds that we have caused you." The Italian colonialism ruled over Libya for forty years, and exploited her. The Italian Premier said, "This pact of friendship and cooperation would alleviate the colonial wounds of forty years." He said, "It is concrete and moral acknowledgement of the damage inflicted on Libya by Italy during the colonial era." (Read more...)