Thank You for Discriminating
This write-up was posted previously in my own blog. This was actually my very first blog. However, it is technically my second post in this site. The previous was "Closet Case: An Experience of Coming Out of a Bangladeshi Girl" posted in Mukto-Mona last December.
Release the bloggers - A Demonstration in front of the Press Club is called on May 2nd.
[An eight-story building collapsed Wednesday in Savar, an outskirts of the Bangladeshi capital, killing at least 123 people and injuring more than 1,000. Due to the National Day of Mourning in Bangladesh on April 25, protests have been postponed to May 2.]
Blasphemy and the right to offend
The right to express one's opinion freely is maybe the most important democratic right, and it is currently under assault in Bangladesh. Hifazat-e-Islam demands the introduction of strict blasphemy laws, and the government, instead of defending freedom, resorts to an ill-advised and imprudent appeasement strategy that hinders the press in its duty to inform the public, threatens the futures of young bloggers who were, and continue to be, arrested, and puts in peril the future of the democracy of the country.
Non-Muslims in Bangladesh – What Choices Do They Have?
In one of the more remarkable recent attacks on non-Muslims in Bangladesh, a 200 years old Hindu temple was burned down by Muslim criminals. According to a Daily Star report on April 20, 2013, the month of March, 2013, saw 94 attacks on Hindu temples in various districts of Bangladesh.
The Hatred of 'Protecting Islam' Must Stop
The government of Bangladesh has clearly demonstrated that the arrest of three bloggers, Subrata Adhikary Shuvo, Russell Parvez, and Mashiur Rahman Biplob, on April 1, 2013, was no April Fool joke. Bangladesh police also arrested another blogger, Asif Mohiuddin, two days later. What was the reason? The four arrested young men have been alleged to have hurt the religious sentiments of the Muslims of Bangladesh. There are no specifics in the news media as to what exactly they wrote in their blogs that hurt the religious sentiments of the Muslims.
Scenario Bangladesh -Crack down upon free-thinkers; A back way Journey towards medieval Age
Bangladesh Government has cracked down upon the free-thought young bloggers & already arrested some of them, exposed them publicly before media with their horrible weapons (?) like laptops & PC & sent them to police remand as common criminals. It is quite an awful, unexpected, disappointing, heartbreaking and finally disgusting phenomenon to the enlightened people, as well as the pro-liberation forces of the country to see that the government of Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh begins to arrest the free-thought bloggers and putting them behind the bar without any proof of any specific allegation of so-called blashfamy against them, simply in compliance with the demand of the religious bigots, like so-called Hefazat-e-Islam, backed by the Jammat-e-Islam, a war criminal organisation.
The Religion of Politics in Indian Subcontinent
When we talk about weapons of mass destruction, we think of missiles, bombs, nuclear explosions. When we talk about greatest or most destructive innovation by human kind, we talk about atom bombs. But the fact remains; the most destructive force was invented by humans, in very early age of their evolution. Men made knives, turned them to daggers and then moved on to guns and then missiles. All of them were weapons and in different phase of human evolution, these weapons were perfected and used for good or evil purposes. Men also invented Gods, then rituals and then religion. In different stages of evolution, they endorsed different forms of religions and effectively used it for good and evil. At this cutting-edge phase of human history, religion has lost most of it's purposes, those who were once considered the sole meaning of life. Still religion remains an incomparable, invincible, transcending weapon for one group of people, those who want to rule with fear and those who want to rule the foresighted, with the support from the oblivious.
A Statement from Mukto-Mona - Bangladesh government squishing freedom of speech by arresting and harassing young bloggers inside the country
Bangladesh government squishing freedom of speech by arresting and harassing young bloggers inside the country