MuktoMona English Blog (Page 73)

Remarks for Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Briefing on Human Rights in Bangladesh

Announcement of the briefing from Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission website


A different kind of Halloween In Bangladesh - Brutal killings of free-thinkers

Halloween or Hallowe'en, a contraction of all Hallows' Evening, is a celebration brought to the USA by the Irish and Scottish immigrants in 19th century. In the late 20th century this celebration of Halloween was also observed in other western countries. Now, in the present time Halloween is celebrated in almost all the western countries namely, USA, Canada, Ireland, UK, and many other countries. Other than the countries mentioned earlier it is observed being celebrated in countries like Japan in Asia, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. According to the popular belief among the people of Irish, British Welsh community, the pagan god of death Samhain (SAH-win) calls upon all the souls/ spirits of the dead people. According to the belief, in that night all the man made laws are no longer active and the dead spirits are allowed to join the world of alive world. They also believed that, all the dead spirits lived in a land in the form of immortal youngs, and were called "Tir nan Oge". Some believed that the dead ones lived with angels.


Turkey's inexorable descent to extremism

Turkey may be viewed by the developing countries as well as by the Muslim world as an advanced industrialised country very much in tune with the Western democratic system. But this perception is largely misplaced now and very much out of date. The reality of Turkey's position is far from this perception.